Follow Your Dream

Life is full of assignments. When you are young, your parents will command you to do this and that, not to do this and that. So many things are related to the morality, sins and punishment, virtues and rewards. When we begin to go to school, our teachers teach us, including the mathematics and science. We have to do what we are told and so on. In fact, it is necessary to take a specific shape. What, when we can think what we can do?

Well, I will give you an example. One of the younger brothers in my village was going to higher education after SLC. He had good marks in many subjects. His parents wanted that he would study science and do better. Because they think that it is very necessary to become a successful person in life. He joined science. It was not his subject of interest. Almost when the exam was about to come, he wanted to change the faculty and became the student of education as a major. Luckily he did. The whole year went to know he should study education.

My classmates were also from the sciences, who studied humanities later. I too, was a student of education and changed into the humanities. In life, we are given assignments what to do, instead of what we can do. A student of commerce is teaching and a student of education is working in banking or financial sector. Have they really studied to have conflicting roles in life?  

I do not mean to say that we are always wrong, but sometimes our dreams remain suppressed consciously. When we are young, we can't think about it and when we can think about it, we are already in pressure. So, only few people can follow their dream in life. Those who can't follow their dream are also surviving, but they feel that they are not complete within themselves.

This topic is never ending discussion. People may have their own views regarding it. What I think, if it is possible, follow your dreams and walk with a proper vision. You can be better on your interested area. Listen to your heart and take a decision with your mind. You can be somebody, instead of nobody.  


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