
Showing posts from April, 2017

I Have a Dream

Hello and Happy New Year 2074 to all of you. After half an hour, the new year will officially enter into our home with new energy and new hope. With the message of peace and prosperity. Pleasure and happiness.  I am officially out from my office, where I spent 3 years on writing web content. Imagine Web Solution was my home, my office and my shelter. Well, I would like to call it as my base, which gave me a lot of confidence and strength, to fight with negative vibes and go on through the positive way. It helped me to form a base for my future career. Today, I officially said goodbye to my boss, we shook our hands. I felt, yes, I was leaving my work place.  Today is the new year's eve. From tomorrow onward, I will not have to go to the office. I will miss my workplace, my boss and my colleagues. I got full support from all of them. We worked in a team, without any pressure of the task. Thanks to all my team.  I have a dream, that's why I left my office. I...