My First Blood Donation Experience

When I was a student of Masters Degree in Kathmandu Model College, there was a blood donation campaign. Many of my friends and juniors donated blood, but I feared. I was just feeling nervous and mentally I had not thought, ok, I will donate blood. On the other hand, my weight was not much enough to donate the blood. This Sunday, I was in the Teaching Hospital and saw Dhading Health Society had organized a blood donation campaign. This society belongs to my homeland. I just had a quick idea: ok, lets do it. Later I found that all the people of that organization, I knew. I was there for the first time, going to donate the blood, which was quite unique feeling. I was a bit more frightened about what will be the situation after donating the blood. I was waiting my turn and there was a lady who had just donated the blood. She fainted. Really. Then, you can guess what was going in my mind. I know, blood donation is a common act that people are doing, but if you are going to do it for th...