Unit 10: Home Life and Family Relationship (Grade 11 Compulsory English Grammar Solutions)- New Course


A. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word given below.

irritation, huddled up, awkwardly, futile, grating, mumbling, feebly

a. All my efforts to convince her for the tour were …… .

b. The lost traveler…… under a shelter made of branches and leaves.

c. Her rude behavior was the main cause of …… for him.

d. She moved …… in the room, thinking that I was watching.

e. She is …… something, but I can’t hear her.

f. When I met my sister after a long time, she talked to me in a …… voice.

Answer Key: 

a.futile b.huddled up c.irritation d.awkwardly e.mumbling f.feeble 

B. Tick (√) the correct words that are similar in meaning to the underlined words.

a. Rupa studied Science reluctantly due to her father’s pressure.

i. eagerly ii. unwillingly iii. willingly iv. enthusiastically

b. She moved her fingers exasperatedly through her hair.

i. pleasingly ii. calmingly iii. patiently iv. annoyingly

c. My grandmother is over eighty. She lifted her hands feebly.

i. strongly ii. robustly iii. weakly iv. firmly

d. She is wearing a tattered shawl.

i. old ii. torn ii. dirty iv. branded

e. I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet in this expensive city.

i. earn much money ii. spend much money iii. live on money iv. earn just enough money

Answer Key:

a. unwillingly b.annoyingly c. weakly d. torn e. earn just enough money

D. Syllable

a. The following words have only one sound unit called a syllable. Pronounce them.

dawn, board, straight, spring, prompt, twelfths, strong, small, text, learn

b. The following words have two syllables. Underline their syllables and pronounce them:

beauty, sleepy, survive, current, woman, hotel

c. Consult an English dictionary and find the number of syllables in the following words. Underline and pronounce them.

Word                        Syllable

bury                            2

development             4

syllabic                     3

vowel                        2

education                4

discipline                3

examination            5

children                    2

separately                4

pronunciation         5


A word or phrase whose function is to link other linguistic units- connective.

















As well as






As a result of


Adverb: Place however at the beginning of the dependent clause. In English, dependent clauses can follow independent clauses (use no punctuation before or after however) or begin the sentence (use no punctuation after however). If the dependent clause begins the sentence, don’t forget to include a comma at the end of the dependent clause.

The situation is unfair however you look at it.

However you look at it, the situation is unfair.

B. Complete the following sentences with however, although or in spite of.

a. …… the fact that he is an octogenarian; he still leads an active life.

b. I still enjoyed the week …… the weather was bad.

c. He has passed MA. ……, he hasn’t got a job.

d. …… I had a headache, I enjoyed the movie.

e. Ramila didn’t get the job …… the fact that she had all the necessary qualifications.

f. …… the fact that he had no money, he bought the car anyway.

g. We can go to the park for lunch. …… , the weather report says it's going to


h. …… I speak English well, my first language is actually Maithili.

Answer Key:

a. in spite of b.although c.however d.although e.in spite of f.in spite of g.however h.however 

C. Combine the following sentences using the words given in brackets.

a. He was annoyed. He didn’t say anything. (although)

b. Playing the stock market is exciting. It can be risky. (however)

c. He works slowly. He never makes a mistake. (even though)

d. It was raining. We still went to the park. (in spite of)

e. Hark bought the watch. It was expensive. (despite)

f. He is very poor. He wears expensive clothes. (but)

Answer Key:

a. Although he was annoyed, he didn’t say anything.

b. Playing the stock market is exciting, however, it can be risky.

c. Even though he works slowly, he never makes a mistake.

d. In spite of the rain, we still went to the park.

e. Despite being expensive, Hark bought the watch.

f. He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.

D. Rewrite the following sentences using (a) although and (b) in spite of.

a. He had very little time, but he offered to help us.

b. She is very poor, but she still wears expensive clothes.

c. He's a millionaire, but he lives in a very small flat.

d. They have a lot of money, but they are still not happy.

e. The traffic was heavy, but we got there in time.

Answer Key:

1. a. Although he had very little time, he offered to help us.

b. In spite of having very little time, he offered to help us.

2. a. Although she is very poor, she still wears expensive clothes.

   b. In spite of being very poor, she still wears expensive clothes.

3. a. Although he's a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat.

    b. In spite of being a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat.

4. a. Although they have a lot of money, they are still not happy.

     b. In spite of having a lot of money, they are still not happy.

5. a. Although the traffic was heavy, we got there in time.

    b. In spite of the heavy traffic, we got there in time


Expressing reactions

B. Now, look at some of the ways to react to sudden/unexpected events.

Positive reactions                                         Negative reactions

That’s (so) good.                                            That’s (so) sad.

That’s great.                                                    That’s bad.

I’m glad to hear that.                                        I’m sorry to hear that.

That sounds good.                                            That sounds bad.

How wonderful/fantastic.                                How awful/terrible.

What wonderful news!                                    What a pity!

Great/Superb/Brilliant!                                    Too bad!

Really? That’s amazing!                                Really? I find that hard to believe.

C. Work in a pair. Make dialogues between two friends using the situations below.

a. A has won boys single badminton game.

b. A has been engaged.

c. Someone says his/her pet dog died yesterday.

d. A spilled tea over his favorite novel.

e. Somebody stole your precious watch.

f. Your house was broken into.

g. Your friend suggests you to go a horror movie.


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