Unit 3: Media and Society (Grade 11 Compulsory English Grammar Solutions)- New Course


A. Find the words from the text that have the following meanings.

a. a personal or corporate website
b. a job requiring expertise in a particular field
c. a feeling of sadness
d. put under custody
e. found guilty
f. breaking or disregarding rules or system
g. advantages and disadvantages
h. a non-statutory monetary penalty

Answer Key:

a. -          blog

b. -          profession
c. -          disappointment

d. -          detained

e. -          convicted

f. -          violating 

g. -          pros and cons

h. -          amercement

B. Study the underlined phrases in the following sentences.

Perhaps some people think about the media that makes them able to meet and communicate with people around the world.

When you want to listen to music or watch a music video from your favourite singer you can go to YouTube.

These are prepositional verbs. A prepositional verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition. It is simply a verb followed by a preposition (prepositional verb = verb + preposition).

Now, use the following prepositional verbs in sentences.

A. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words/phrases from the text.

a. People are using social media for individual as well as …… purposes.
b. Social media is not only a platform of sharing views, but also a platform of ……
c. The hospital wanted Prita to pay Rp. 100 million for ……
d. Some singers organized …… to help Prita.
e. The campaign to help Prita was able to collect Rp. ……

Answer Key:
a. marketing
b. finding a job and the employees required
c. immaterial losses
d. charity concert
e. 825 million


Prepositions of direction




away from

Why are you going away from me?



She walked across the road.



A soldier walked along the rope.


out of

He came out of the room.


up to

He came up to her and asked a question.



The bullet whistled past my right ear.



The river runs through the woods.



The bus goes to Dhankuta.



The thief jumped into a car and drove away.



We travelled round the country.



The cat climbed onto the roof.



He started walking towards the library.



Don’t jump off that wall.



    B. Complete the following sentences using the correct prepositions of direction: to, toward, onto, or into.

a. Prem drove Milan …… the airport.
b. The plane landed …… the runway.
c. The kids climbed …… the monkey bars.
d. Manish and Richa moved the table …… the dining room.
e. Ganesh almost fell …… the river.
f. Lalit and Sarita took the bus that was heading …… the university.
     Answer Key:

a.  to
b.  onto
c.  onto
d.  into
e.  into
f.  towards

C. C. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the brackets.

 a. While we were hiking …… the forest, we saw a mountain lion. (across/through/along/under)

b. The leopards walked in a circle …… the baby giraffe before they attacked.  (into/towards/round/through)

c. Go …… the building and turn left. (into/up/off/out of)

d. She ran …… home when she was eighteen. (towards/away from/down/across)

e. Raindrops ran …… the windscreen making it difficult to see the road. (into/up/down/over)

f. Hemanta put the plate …… the table and began to eat his dinner. (onto/into/up/off)

g. The frightened deer disappeared …… the forest. (up/onto/into/toward)

h. We were driving …… the City Centre when we had an accident. (up/into/towards/along)

i. The smoke from the fire went …… into the sky. (into/up/to/onto) 

     Answer Key:
     a. through
     b. round
     c. out of
     d. away from
     e. down
     f. onto
     g. into
     h. towards
     i. up



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