Unit 14: Power and Politics (Grade 11 Compulsory English Grammar Solutions)- New Course


A. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.

a. Many portraits of Napoleon show him with his right hand placed inside his coat.

i. shape ii. hairstyle iii. sketch iv. movement

b. Napoleon won one victory after another, defeating the Austrians in eighteen battles.

i. beating ii. joining iii. fighting iv. directing

c. Portrait painters thought this pose made men look more dignified.

i. good-looking ii. young iii. intelligent iv. energetic

d. They announced France a republic.

i. officially declared iii. informally decided ii. put into practice iv. voted into law

e. Napoleon conquered Austria in 1805.

i. lost ii. tried to control iii. triumphed over iv. attacked

f. There was no place to house his soldiers in the bitter Russian winter.

i. difficult ii. cold iii. dark iv. empty

g. Napoleon was humiliated when he was defeated.

i. tortured ii. punished iii. confused iv. shamed

Answer Key:

a. sketch 

b. beating 

c. good-looking 

d. officially declared

e. triumphed over

f. cold 

g. shamed

B. Guess the meanings of these words from the text. Check in your dictionary and make sentences of your own.

violent:    using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.

execute:   put (a plan, order, or course of action) into effect.

ancient:    belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.

alliance:   a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.

brilliant:   exceptionally clever or talented.

genius:     exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

consul:     an official appointed by a state to live in a foreign city and protect the state's citizens and                             interests there.

invading(of an armed force) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it.

C. Look at the compound noun phrase Commander-in-Chief as used in this sentence from the text.

Napoleon was only twenty-seven years old when he was made Commander-in-Chief of the French army in Italy.

D. Find the meanings of the following noun phrases and use them in sentences.

Vice-President:         an official or executive ranking below and deputizing for a president.

Editor-in-chief:         the principal editor of a publication, responsible for managing editorial policies and                                     the production of content.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: is responsible for assisting the editor-in-chief for the definition of topics                                                           and their rewriting, supervision of interns, writing of news reports listed                                                       companies.

Deputy-Mayor: is an elective or appointive office of the second-ranking official that is present in                                            many, but not all, local governments.

Joint-secretary:  is the administrative head of a wing in a department.

Under-secretary: is a title for a person who works for and has a lower rank than a secretary

Deputy-Prime Minister: a government minister who can take the position of acting prime minister when the                                         prime minister is temporarily absent.

Vice-Chancellor: a deputy chancellor, especially one of a British university who discharges most of its                                      administrative duties.

Attorney-general: the principal legal officer who represents the Crown or a state in legal proceedings and                                    gives legal advice to the government.

Ex-president: a former president of a particular country or organization.

Sub-editor: A sub-editor is a person whose job it is to check and correct articles in newspapers

co-author:    a joint author.


Grammar explanation (Deduction or Prediction)

We can use modal verbs for deduction – guessing if something is true using the available information. The modal verb we choose shows how certain we are about the possibility. This page focuses on making deductions about the present or future.

May/Might: Possibility of something in the present future (Possibility 50%, can be yes or no)

Must/Can't: Express certainty in the present (Certain/sure with evidence- 100%)

A. Study the following sentences.

a. She may/might be in France. (50/50- can be or can't be)

b. You've had a long journey. You must be tired. (100% sure)

c. Niraj can't be in Gorkha - I saw him this morning. (100% not sure)

B. Fill in the blanks with may, must or can’t.

a. Matthew …… be at home. I can see his bike in front of his home.

b. They …… be coming tomorrow.

c. She …… speak French very well. She's only lived in Paris for two weeks.

d. My key is not in my pocket or on my desk so it …… be in the drawer.

e. I saw him yesterday. He …… be abroad.

f. You got the job? That's great. You …… be very delighted.

g. I …… finish it by tomorrow if I stay at work all night, but I'm not sure.

h. Somebody is knocking on the door. It …… be Sabina – she promised to come today.

Answer Key:

a. must

b. may/might

c. can't

d. must

e. can't 

f. must

g. can't

h. must

C. Rewrite the following sentences using may/might, must or can’t.

Example: Maybe they went away.

They may/might have gone away.

a. I’m sure he’s not going to the cinema today.

b. Perhaps she knows the answer.

c. I’m sure he has a car.

d. I doubt if it rains later on.

e. Perhaps she wants to be alone.

f. I’m sure Harina is in her office.

Answer Key: 

a. He can’t be going to the cinema today.

b. She may know the answer

c. He must have a car.

d. It may rain later on.

e. She may want to be alone.

f. Harina must be in her office.


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