
Showing posts from May, 2021

Unit 20: Science and Technology (Grade 11 English Solutions New Course)- Grammar

  Reading A.  Match the words with their correct definitions. a. freshman                                                    i. say something in a boastful manner b. naive                                                           ii. action of throwing away something c. obliviously                            ...

Unit 12- Fantasy (Grade 11 Compulsory English Grammar Solutions)- New Course -Wish and Regrets

Reading B. Match the words below with their opposites. beginning -                  vi. ending stupid -                        iv. clever natural -                      v. artificial disappointment-          i. happiness ignorant -                    iii. educated anxiously -                   ii. Calmly   Wish and Regrets The verb ‘wish’ or ‘if only’ is used to talk about things which we want, but are impossible. I wish I could see him next week. If only I co...

Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival by Vladimir Keilis-Borok (Main Points, Summary, Analysis, Question Answers)- Grade 11

  Main Points   ·          Science is an exciting adventure where a major reward comes from the discovery itself. What you get instead of big money is freedom, camaraderie, independence. ·     The author did research on the theory of seismic waves—tremors in the earth generated by an earthquake.   ·     He found underground nuclear explosions produced earth tremors very similar to those generated by earthquakes.   ·     Soviet Union, United States, and United Kingdom—three powers possessing nuclear weapons. Continuing nuclear tests meant the development of even stronger bombs, introducing even more imbalance into the global nuclear standoff. The three nuclear powers were willing to come to an agreement, putting a ban on the nuclear weapon test. (Geneva agreement)   ·         The nuclear powers had approved to a halt on nuclear weapons test...

धतुरे प्राणि

अलि अलि साँझ छिप्पिएर रातको आगमन नजिकै थियो। अफिसबाट घर फर्कंदै गर्दा नजिकैको मेडिकलमा एउटा मास्क किनें।  मेडिकलबाट यसो अगाडि बढ्दै गर्दा कसैले मेरो पिछा गरेको अनुभुति भयो। सहर यसै यसै सुनसान छ​। लकडाउनले सबै पसलहरु बन्द भ​एपछि त सम्साँझै डराइमर्नु पो हुँदोरहेछ​। मैले छिटो छिटो पाइला चालें, तर त्यो व्यर्थ रह्यो किनकि म जति छिटो हिंड्छु, उ मलाइ त्यति छिटो पछ्याउँछ​, तर फेरि उछिनेर अगाडि जाँदैन​। अलि पर पुगेपछि बत्तिको उज्यालोमा डराइ डराइ पछाडि फर्किएर हेरें, एउटा अस्पष्ट चित्रजस्तो, अझ भनौं छायाँजस्तो देखिने वस्तु पो रहेछ मलाइ पिछा गर्ने त​।  मन चिसो भयो। म त बेस्मारि दगुरें किनकि अब म बस्ने घरतिर छिर्ने गल्लि नजिकै थियो। म यसो टर्न लिन के खोजेको थिएँ, अघि मलाइ पिछा गर्ने वस्तु त ठ्याक्कै जम्काभेट भयो। डरले म थचक्कै बसें, किनकि त्यो चलायमान वस्तुको किनै स्पष्ट अनुहार नै थिएन​, थियो त केवल काँडा जस्ता देखिने वस्तु। (गाउँघरतिर पाइने धतुरो जस्तो)  निकै डर लागेपछि जे त होला भन्ने हिम्मत पनि कता कताबाट आउँदो रहेछ​। अगाडिको वस्तु स्थिर अवस्थामा थियो, बिगारै गर्नु थियो भने त किन ...

What is Poverty? by Jo Goodwin Parker (Summary, Analysis, Key Points, Question Answers)- Grade 11

  Main Points         ·     Poverty is getting up every morning from a dirt- and illness-stained mattress. (lacking things) Poverty is being tired. (tired of doing works, taking care of children when you are struggling with some diseases) Poverty is dirt. (about housekeeping with no money, washing dishes in cold water without soap, luxury is just a dream)  Poverty is staying up all night on cold nights to watch the fire knowing one spark on the newspaper covering the walls means your sleeping child dies in flames. Poverty means insects in your food, in your nose, in your eyes, and crawling over you when you sleep. Poverty is asking for help. (asking for a loan from a relative is really a challenging and tough job, which makes your face red Poverty is remembering. (quitting school, being married, divorce without a goodbye   Poverty is looking into a black future. (children without friends, behind the bars, might fall into drug addiction, ...

What I Require From Life? by J.B.S. Haldane (Summary, Main Points, Analysis, Question-Answers)- Grade 11

  Summary   Witten by J.B.S. Haldane, in the essay entitled 'What I Require from Life', talks about the socialistic convictions seeking works places where the workers can have a democratic environment. It has been written in a very simple and clear form that readers can get the real purpose of his writing, which is to uplift the working class. At the beginning of the essay, Haldane states that he is required to accept the universe as it is. He illustrates four requirements of the human being that are exciting work, good health, friendship, and freedom.   Haldane shows the connection of his individual necessities with the hopes for the rest of the human beings. He is against capitalism and the bourgeois capitalists because they only think about enrich themselves and do not think about the workers, especially in times of economic depression, which will leave them jobless. For this reason, he raises the voice in favor of workers. According to him, workers should control ...