Unit 12- Fantasy (Grade 11 Compulsory English Grammar Solutions)- New Course -Wish and Regrets

Reading B. Match the words below with their opposites.

beginning -                  vi. ending

stupid -                        iv. clever

natural -                      v. artificial

disappointment-          i. happiness

ignorant -                    iii. educated

anxiously -                   ii. Calmly


Wish and Regrets

The verb ‘wish’ or ‘if only’ is used to talk about things which we want, but are impossible.

I wish I could see him next week.

If only I could stop for a cold drink.

I wish we had a big house.


Three ways to express our wishes

I wish/if only+I could+v1……..(do yourself)- आफैंले गर्न पाए हुन्थ्यो

I wish I could play football.

I wish/if only+sub+would+v1……. (help from others) अरुको सहयोगमा गर्न/सक्न पाए हुन्थ्यो

I wish my friends would bring a gift for me.

I Wish/If only+sub+v2 ……(changing situation)- Situation नै फरक भैदिए हुन्थ्यो भन्ने लागेमा

Positive or negative

I wish I wasn't at the beach alone.

If only I was on a tour.

Expressing Regrets

What do you say if you missed your training?

I wish I had (hadn't) +v3

I wish I had gone to bed early.

 I wish I hadn't gone for the night show.

I should (shouldn't) have+v3

I should have asked someone to wake me up in the morning.

 I shouldn't have spent the night watching movies.

B. Express your wishes in the following situations in three different ways. Use I wish/If only…….

 a. You don’t have a mobile phone (You need one).

I wish my father would gift me a new one.

I wish I could get a mobile phone.

I wish I had a mobile phone.


b. You don’t know the answer of a question from the lesson.

I wish I knew the answer to the question.

I wish someone would tell me the answer to the question.

I wish I could get the answer to that question.


 c. You can’t play the guitar.

I wish I could play the guitar.

I wish someone would teach me guitar chords.

I wish I learned to play the guitar.


d. It’s cold.

I wish it was hot.

I wish someone would offer me a cup of coffee.

I wish I could stay inside the house.


e. You are feeling sick.

I wish I could get the medicine.

I wish someone would call a doctor.

If only I wasn't sick.


f. You live in a crowded city.

I wish I lived in the countryside.

I wish I could live in a peaceful environment.

I wish my parents would take me on a holiday for a week.


g. You feel lonely.

I wish my friends would come here.

I wish I could read a book

I wish I was with my beloved/lover.


C. Rewrite the following sentences making corrections if necessary.

a. I wish my father bought me a bike.

I wish my father would buy me a bike.


b. I wish I would write poems.

I wish I could write poems.


c. I wish I could remember her name.

I wish I could remember her name.


d. I wish I had a good job.

I wish I had a good job.


e. I wish I would be rich.

I wish I could be rich.



B. Express regrets using I wish/If only and should have /had with past participle based on the following situations.

 a.      Your friend has betrayed you.

I shouldn't have trusted him.

I wish I hadn't trusted him.


b.      You have got a cold.

I wish I had brought an umbrella.

I shouldn't have drunk cola.


 c.       You are lost in a town.

I should have followed the map properly.

I wish I had used a google map.


d.      You have lost your phone.

I wish I had left my phone at home.

I shouldn't have put it in my shirt's pocket.


e.      You couldn’t attend your brother’s wedding.

If only I had completed my training.

I wish I had gotten leave from my job.


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